
Soon silence will have passed into legend. Man has turned his back on silence. Day after day he invents machines and devices that increase noise and distract humanity from the essence of life, contemplation, meditation. Tooting, howling, screeching, booming, crashing, whistling, grinding, and trilling bolster his ego. -Jean Arp, artist and poet (16 Sep 1887-1948)

This has been on-going ,for some time,,,sound ,,man(and woman),,,bolster his ego,,,it seems too simple,toss it off as a glittering generality,,,need for arrogance,,,,,


In my case,,,a need to sing,brought it on,,,its just an other meaningless costumn some of us wear,,,a prop if you will,to help put the song across,,for instance,a small distaste for old habits,,promotes re-invention,,of anything,personality's,left hand / right hand domance,dance steps,arrangements,etc.etc. and for me the delight of surprize when two voices harmonize with elegant timber,,is way too much for my tiny brain to handle,,,on almost a socio-pathic level,I have a relationship,with vocal harmonies,,this begets love of color,,/frequency   color ,,PAINTING,,,Omg,,,arrangement study (what you choose to play,or draw ,and how you choose to play it !) timing and space considerations,,this begets a gravating toward sculpture,,Subtractive,as in "to hew"

in the end Arrogance is all thats left for the soul to shoe itself,,,,,

Generally this much self involvement is,,, boreing,because we all artists,in a very real sence.Thankfully,,,not ALL of us are so totally self involved,,still those who get caught up in it, (ART),,,should be studied,incase some discovery that relates to us all,has arrived,,,,,,,!

"Maybe all hand work is art on some level",,,something as simple as a rythmic beat,or which root,when chewed,cleans the blood,,or how to energise water,,,,self involved folks may have secrets to share,,never mind the boreing arrogance we must put up with,,its really the only redemption,for those who call themselves "artists" as a group,they are mostly happy to share,but,please, help them pay the rent,,,,!

got to keep them honest,,,,,,!

Lovely is lovely,,so if your short on that,buy some art,or publish someone you feel an afinity with thru your eyes or ears,,,,SONG is breath,,proof of life,,,

Endgame Love,,on a stick,,try it you'll like it,,,,,I'm betting on it,,,like Van (the man) sez: "when push comes to shove,thank God for self love ! "

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